Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Rangkaian Power Amplifier Pemancar FM 4-20 Watt

Rangkaian Power Amplifier Pemancar FM ini sangat sederhana, namun kualitasnya cukup memuaskan.

A very simple fm power amplifier which can deliver 4W rf power with 12V power supply and BLY87A or KT920A and 20W with BLY89A or KT925B.
If you use BLY87A or KT920A the input power must be 0.5W and 4W if you use BLY89A or KT925B. This fm power amplifier is designed to work on 50 Ω antennas and a maximum power supply of 14V and in 88 108 MHz band.
Use only metallic trimmers, a good heatsink for the transistor and ceramic capacitors and keep the pins very short.
FM power amplifier circuit components:
C1 = C8 = 10-40pF + 22pF in parallel ||
C2 = 10-70pF + 120pF ||
C3 = 2.2nF
C4 = 33nF
C5 = 4 x 180pF
C6 = 1nF
C7 = 2.2nF
C9 = 10-70pF + 47pF ||
R1 = 380Ω
R2 = 47Ω
R3 = 5.6 Ω
L1 = 3 turns / 0.8mm / 6mm / legth = 8mm
L2 = 6turns / 0.5mm /over R2
L3 = 5 t / 0.6mm / 6mm
L4 = 4 t / 1.2mm / 8mm
T = 4W with BLY87A, KT920A
T = 20W with BLY89A, KT925B

FM amplifier circuit schematic

 Source: http://electroschematics.com

Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Inverter 12VDC to 220V 50Hz 500W

Rangkaian Inverter 12V DC ke 220V AC 500W.
Merangkainya cukup mudah dan harganyapun murah.

Friends favorite circuit about the the inverter, because like working outdoors, or to backup storage to use when necessary.
Most of this is circuit low power, which is not suitable for practical applications. My friends said that he would be about 500 Watt.
It is a good size. Use with television receivers and light bulbs as well.
When looking for circuit. I get headaches. If you are a beginner or I can not buy expensive good quality circuits. Requires only one transistor. Or if you have free time. I want to build old circuit is alive again. This circuit will accommodate all your needs. It is a simple circuit. The same principle, I take battery voltage 12V to produce a oscillator about 100 Hz and pass to a two frequency divider circuit is only 50HZ. And drive a 10 ampere transformer with 10 x 2N3055 transistor in parallel. By a single transistor has 2A, when I use 10 transistors or 5 pairs of drive high current output. The complexity of circuit, but the principle is not it, and it is the number of transistors on a basic, easy to buy.

Source: http://www.eleccircuit.com

Rangkaian Robot Sederhana

Kali ini saya ingin mengajak anda untuk mencoba mempelajari cara membuat Robot sederhana dengan rangkaian robot yang sangat sederhana yang dinamakan Robot line follower. Sebagaimana namanya, robot ini hanya mempunyai satu tugas yaitu mengikuti garis hitam diatas background putih atau sebaliknya. Robot line follower mungkin adalah robot yang paling popular untuk dirancang oleh pecinta robotika hal ini dimungkinkan karena kesederhanaannya namun sangat bisa digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk para pemula karena telah mencakup sebagian besar aspek robotika seperti elektronika, mekanik dan pemrograman. Selain itu saat ini sedang marak adanya kompetisi untuk robot line follower ini.
Ini rangkaian robot line follower yang sangat sederhana. Dalam perancangan robot tidak diperlukan adanya pemrograman. Yang digunakan disini hanyalah respon dari sensor untuk mengaktifkan motor sebagai gerakan robot.


Cara Kerja:
Led digunakan sebagai sumber cahaya. Cahaya dari led dipantulkan dengan intensitas yang berbeda tergantung warna dari bidang pantul. Sensor dari LDR akan bereaksi terhadap perubahan intensitas cahaya yang diterimanya.
Pada lintasan warna hitam LDR akan menerima lebih sedikit cahaya dari pada saat lintasan putih (warna hitam menyerap cahaya lebih banyak sehingga yang dipantulkan sedikit), pada saat ini motor DC akan berputar lebih pelan (arus kolektor berkurang), dan sebaliknya.

Source:  www.ermicro.com

Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

Rangkaian Detektor Sinyal Handphone

Ketika Handphone anda dalam keadaan Silent atau Diam karena sesuatu hal yang mengharuskan HP kita tdk boleh berbunyi, misal ketika sedang melakukan rapat atau saat melakukan Sholat atau ketika berada di tempat ibadah maka kita bisa mengetahui adanya panggilan masuk atau ada sms dengan sinyal cahaya yakni dengan menggunakan Alat Detektor Sinyal Handphone. Alat ini akan bekerja atau menyala ketika ada sinyal RF dari Handphone. 
Rangkaian Detektor Sinyal HP

Cara Kerja Rangkaian:
Op-amp IC CA3130 (IC1) is used in the circuit as a current-to-voltage converter with capacitor C3 connected between its inverting and non-inverting inputs. It is a CMOS version using gate-protected p-channel MOSFET transistors in the input to provide very high input impedance, very low input current and very high speed of performance. The output CMOS transistor is capable of swinging the output voltage to within 10 mV of either supply voltage terminal.
Capacitor C3 in conjunction with the lead inductance acts as a transmission line that intercepts the signals from the mobile phone. This capacitor creates a field, stores energy and transfers the stored energy in the form of minute current to the inputs of IC1. This will upset the balanced input of IC1 and convert the current into the corresponding output voltage.
Capacitor C4 along with high-value resistor R1 keeps the non-inverting input stable for easy swing of the output to high state. Resistor R2 provides the discharge path for capacitor C4. Feedback resistor R3 makes the inverting input high when the output becomes high. Capacitor C5 (47pF) is connected across ‘strobe’ (pin 8) and ‘null’ inputs (pin 1) of IC1 for phase compensation and gain control to optimise the frequency response.
When the cell phone detector signal is detected by C3, the output of IC1 becomes high and low alternately according to the frequency of the signal as indicated by LED1. This triggers monostable timer IC2 through capacitor C7. Capacitor C6 maintains the base bias of transistor T1 for fast switching action. The low-value timing components R6 and C9 produce very short time delay to avoid audio nuisance.
Assemble the cell phone detector circuit on a general purpose PCB as compact as possible and enclose in a small box like junk mobile case. As mentioned earlier, capacitor C3 should have a lead length of 18 mm with lead spacing of 8 mm. Carefully solder the capacitor in standing position with equal spacing of the leads. The response can be optimised by trimming the lead length of C3 for the desired frequency. You may use a short telescopic type antenna.
Use the miniature 12V battery of a remote control and a small buzzer to make the gadget pocket-size. The unit will give the warning indication if someone uses mobile phone within a radius of 1.5 meters.

Source:  http://electroschematics.com

Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Rangkaian Pengaman Speaker

Anda mempunyai perangkat audio dengan speaker mahal? tentunya sayang kan kalau rusak atau jebol gara2 suaranya terlalu keras atau menerima tegangan yang terlalu tinggi. Anda baru berfikir butuh rangkaian pengaman speaker tat kala sudah mengalami kerusakan. Nah sebelum mengalami kecelakaan ada baiknya anda Sedia payung sebelum hujan. Maksudnya kita bikin Rangkaian pengaman untuk Speaker kesayangan kita.

Why to have The speaker protection circuit? How do the speaker protection circuit can prevent the speakers? This may be questions understand of somebody, and if you have not yet received a satisfactory answer, here is the answer.
For the power amplifier circuit in the new version, usually popular to build by the direct coupling circuit, from the the amplifier circuit to the speakers directly, or as also known as the OCL amplifier circuit. Which this pattern are both positive and negative power supply circuit, or what I call is the three wire power.
Features of this circuit has the advantage is that the frequency response is better than any other circuit. But it has the disadvantage that when the circuit is damages. In any case, it may be has a DC voltage positive or negative that the higher like the power supply, output to Immediately the speakers.
With this voltage, will make coil of the speaker is burned and lack of eventually, so if we do not want to the speaker is usually the most expensive audio system, need to damaged. We need to do is cut this voltage not go out the speaker. We call this circuit. Speaker protection circuit. As shown belo

Rangkaian Pengaman Speaker :

Working of circuit
As shown in this circuit, we take a some signal from the speaker enter through the resistors R1, R2 into the protection speakers section, By reducing the signal strength lower down, then after the capacitor C1 serves to bypass this signal to ground.
However, if the dc voltage to either positive or negative, whatever this voltage is passed through the bridge diode circuit immediately, by they will be setting voltage input is positive or negative to the positive voltage to the base pin of Q1 doing the Q1 work.
When the Q1 working, will make the collector voltage low down, the bias voltage at base pin of Q2 will also lower down, making The Q2,Q3 stop run therefore not have current pass through the relay RY1, so it will be cut off the signal of power amplifier without to output speaker at once. The speakers will safe from the dc power.
To be used.
1. to connect the ground wire from the amplifier to ground of the protection speaker.
2. to connect the signal output from the the amplifier to the speakers,we connected it to the IN of the protection speaker to both the left and right.
3. to connect the OUT signal from the speaker to the positive terminal of the protection speaker.
To build and test circuit.
1.To produce the correct devices in the PCB.
2.Check the soldering is done at every point.
3.Test the functionality of circuit. By connected power supply circuit. And see the LED to stick and hear a click with the relay working.
4.Experiments, connected DC voltage at the IN of the anti-speakers, the LED will extinguish along with the relay will stop immediately. If you do not follow this. Show that a failure occurs. Make sure to found before it is available.

Source: http://www.eleccircuit.com

Tag: Rangkaian Pengaman Speaker, Speaker Protection Circuit, Rangkaian Pengaman speaker, Skema Pengaman Speaker

Rangkaian Pengisi Baterai 12 Volt

Rangkaian pengisi baterai ini dapat digunakan untuk mengisi satu atau lebih baterai dengan tegangan nominal sebesar 12 V, yang berarti sepuluh baterai NiCd atau 6x2v lead acid. Rangkaian ini cukup kecil dan dapat dibangun dalam adapter jaringan perumahan. Menghubungkan baterai dengan polaritas terbalik tidak masalah, artinya bisa dipasang bolak balik.

Battery charger circuit schematic

Battery charger PCB Layout

Components List
R1 = R2 = 10K
R3 = 1K
R4 = 5.6K
R5 = R6 = 12Ω
C1 = 1nF
C2 = 220µF / 35V
D1 = 1N4001
D2 = D3 = 1N4148
D4 = green LED
T1 = BD140
T2 = BC546

Source:  http://electroschematics.com

Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Rangkaian Pendeteksi kadar Air dalam Pot Tanaman

Rangkaian Tester kadar air pot tanaman ini sangat berguna sekali bagi yang suka menanam tanaman dalam pot apakah masih cukup kadar airnya atau kurang. Sehingga anda tidak usah kotor kotoran untuk mengetahui kadar air dalam pot. Rangkaian ini sangat sederhana sekali karena hanya membutuhkan beberapa komponen saja. Untuk Probe gunakan bahan logam seperti paku atau kawat.
Cara kerja dan pengetesan:
Untuk mencobanya anda siapkan pot yang berisi tanah kemudian berilah air secukupnya kemudian masukkan/tusukkan kedalam tanah di pot dan setel Potensiometer sampai menyala. Kemudian cobakan probe dimasukan ke tanah yang masih kering atau kadar airnya rendah, lampu Led seharusnya tidak menyala. Anda perlu menyesuaikan potensiometer 47k untuk mengatur tingkat di mana LED akan menyala.

Kit Pemancar FM Setereo IC BA1404

Jadilah "On Air" dengan stasiun radio sendiri! Pemancar FM Ini merupakan produk menarik yang akan menyiarkan sinyal stereo berkualitas tinggi dalam 88 - 100MHz FM band. Hal ini dapat dihubungkan ke semua jenis sumber audio stereo seperti komputer pribadi, CD player, walkman, televisi, tape deck atau sistem stereo untuk mengirimkan suara stereo dengan kejelasan yang sangat baik di seluruh, kantor Anda pekarangan rumah, atau tanah kamp.
Hal ini juga dapat digunakan dalam mobil untuk memutar CD melalui radio mobil Anda ketika melekat pada CD player pribadi. Aplikasi lain dapat mendengarkan stasiun radio satelit melalui radio FM. Selain itu, dapat dihubungkan ke komputer pribadi atau laptop untuk memungkinkan mendengarkan stasiun radio internet atau pra-rekaman musik digital (seperti file MP3).

Sirkuit yang mencakup snap baterai 9V dan stereo 3.5mm jack dipasang tepat di papan tulis untuk koneksi yang mudah ke sumber audio. Sebuah ON / OFF serta "On-Air" indikator LED juga dimasukkan di papan tulis.

Source : http://home.maine.rr.com/randylinscott/feb98.htm
Rangkaian ini didasarkan pada IC BA1404 penyiar stereo populer yang berisi semua sirkuit kompleks untuk menghasilkan sinyal FM stereo. Sebuah kristal KHz 38 menyediakan stabil sub-carrier untuk sinyal stereo. Rangkaian osilator cukup stabil untuk penerimaan handal bahkan di radio FM digital disetel. Penyesuaian input terpisah kanan dan kiri tingkat juga disertakan.

Untuk memperoleh Kit ini anda bisa membelinya di CAR'L ELECTRONICS 

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Pemancar FM menggunakan Op-amp

Sebuah Transmitter FM daya rendah menggunakan sebuah op-amp sebagai preamp audio dan satu transistor sebagai penguat RF.

List Component:

R1 4K7        R4 150K     R7 3K9 (2K7)

R2 4K7 R5 220R R8 120R (82R)

R3 4K7 R6 4K7

All resistors except R8 are at least 0.25W rated. R8 is at least 0.5W rated
(the 0.6W metal film M-series from Maplin can be used for R1-R8).

C1 1n C4 22uF C7 10n C10 1n

C2 4u7 C5 1n C8 1n

C3 1n C6 10n C9 33pF

VC1 5-60pF IC1 LM358 Q1 ZTX108

L1 is 0.112uH (this tunes to the middle of the FM band, 98 MHz, with VC1 at its centre value of 33pF).

L1 is 5 turns of 22 swg enamelled copper wire close-wound on a 5mm (3/16") diameter former. Alternatively, you can have a fixed 33pF cap instead of VC1 and have L1 as an adjustable molded coil (eg UF64U from Maplin). VC1 will give you a tuning range of 85 - 125 MHz, and a possible choice is the Philips type polypropylene film trimmer (Maplin code WL72P).

Two sets of oscillator bias resistors are given, the ones in the brackets give about 20% more RF power.

Mike is our favourite Omnidirectional sub-mini electret (Maplin code FS43W). Ant is a (lambda / 4) whip monopole (eg 76 cms of 22 swg copper wire).

Q1 is configured as a Clapp oscillator. Frequency modulation results from the audio voltage changing the transistor's base-emitter capacitance.

Source:  http://www.zen22142.zen.co.uk

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

7-Segment Digital Clock Circuit

Skema Rangkaian Jam Digital

Kumpulan Skema Elektronika- Jam Digital dengan Seven Segmen. The Clock Controller V1.1was designed to be an exemplary of using 'C' language to control timer0interrupt, 7-segment LED and keypad scanning. It provides 1-bit sink currentdriving output, for driving a relay, opto-triac, say. Many projects requiring7-segment display and keypad interfacing may get the idea from the Clockcircuit and software.

Figure 1 shows a circuitdiagram of the Clock Controller V1.1. P10-P1.7 drives 7-segment commonanode LED with sink current. P3.0-P3.3 also drives a base pin of 4-PNPtransistor, 2n2907 with sink current. As shown in the figure, the 2nd 2-digitLED that connected to P3.2 and P3.3 is rotated 180 degrees to the 1st 2-digitallowing the pt. segment to be used for 1 second blinking. P3.0-P3.3 alsoconnects four momentary switches while the other legs are tied to inputport P3.4. During display and key switch scanning, a logic '0' is shiftedfrom P3.0 to P3.3,  if there was a key pressed, P3.4 then became low.P3.7 is a 1-bit sink current driving, an example in the circuit uses a2n2907 to drive a small electromechanical relay 5V, say.

Source: http://www.kmitl.ac.th